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About The Project

We aim to draw attention to our students' use of social media, games, shopping sites and some negative behaviors that develop due to these uses. Thanks to our project, we will address the measures that can be taken against addiction, bullying and various internet diseases and addictive behaviors, especially in the internet environment. Our main objective is to create awareness by identifying what is happening in digital environments, the dimensions of addiction and how students react to it, whether families and society are aware of this situation and attracting attention with many different activities.

Project Goals

To determine how much time our students spend at the beginning of computers, phones, tablets, etc. To ensure that they know what they can do in negative behaviors and situations they face in the face of internet and social media. To measure students' reactions to situations encountered in virtual environments and to raise awareness of the society through student contributions. To encourage students to contribute to social responsibility projects. Active use of students by revealing original ideas. Finally, we will enable our students to create videos to draw attention to the subject, making them think and critically look at the event.

Expected Results

Students will be able to distinguish between right and wrong in sharing, news and videos on digital media, especially on social media and gaming platforms. Will be able to say and apply ethical rules that should be considered in sharing on the internet. They will be able to learn about the precautions that can be taken while playing virtual games, using forum sites and social media and where they can apply. They will be able to put forward original ideas to create social awareness, prepare various posters with the use of computers and web2.0 tools so that more people can be informed. They will have more careful and conscious use against Virtual Addiction. They will be able to act as an example to both the elders and the minors in digital uses.


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